References to the ancient Roman military describe the mention and practice of first aid during warfare, highlighting the adoption of this system supported by surgeons, ambulances, and hospitals. Has gone But authentically we find mention of this method at the end of the 18th century, when people died on a large scale due to drowning in water.
In view of this, in 1767, a social campaign was launched in Amsterdam for the preservation of life, and then in 1773, Dr. William Hodge put a lot of emphasis on the artificial respiration system to prevent drowning, which later got strong support from the Royal Humane Society for the preservation of life. In this episode, the French surgeon, Dominique Jean Lary, who was considered special to Napoleon Bonaparte, is also mentioned.
In 1811, he was assigned the responsibility of ambulance corps (horse-drawn carriages) and first aid in the war zone. In the same period, in 1859, Jean-Henri Dunant, a Swiss businessman and social worker, the experiences of the Battle of Solferine in Italy led to the founding of the Red Cross.But the credit for truly laying the foundation for the concept of first aid goes to Friedrich von Esmarch, a Prussian (German Empire) military surgeon who formally introduced first aid (erste hilfe erst) to soldiers in the Franco-German War in 1870.
Hilf which means First Aid) to provide immediate medical help to wounded soldiers during the war. Dr. Esmarch is counted among the most important surgeons of the 19th century. It is also said that on the basis of Esmarch's idea of First Aid and the concept of his speeches, the St. John's Ambulance organization was established in England in 1877 and thus the concept of first aid could be brought to the world.
First Aid Council of India (FACI) is an autonomous body, which works to promote First Aid treatment in India. To achieve this aim FACI incorporate different types of teaching modules in its various programs such as education, training, awareness programs and providing helping aids to needy.